
Sunday School Hour

The goal for our ministry to children is to develop a foundation for lifelong discipleship. Children share faith-based, hands-on, and age-appropriate learning opportunities in a welcoming, consistent, and nurturing environment during the Sunday School hour (10am-10:45). Class determinations (infant nursery, toddler/preschool, early elementary, etc.) support common-age groupings for learning, play, and friendships.

Worship Hour

Young children are encouraged to participate in the weekly Children’s Moment during morning worship. Children are called to sit together at the front of the sanctuary early in the worship service for an informal learning and sharing moment and prayer. 

Childcare for the remainder of the worship service is provided for children 1stgrade and younger following the children’s moment. Parents are asked to accompany their children as they move from the sanctuary to the designated rooms downstairs for this time of directed play and activities. 

Worship companion notebooks, including games and activities, are available at the rear of the sanctuary to assist children 2ndgrade and older as they transition and participate in the worship service.